Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer Reading

Summer is time for fun and for fun reading. I hope you all are enjoying the sun(even though it is such a cool summer) and some good books.
Summer is a great time for relaxing and re-reading old favorites. Before you see the new Harry Potter movie, take the time to re-read some(or all) of the Harry Potter books. I did that and I have been wondering if she had the plan for all seven books in her head from the very beginning. What a genious!
I recently visited my daughter, and we talked about all our favorite books. We found an old opy of a ballet book by Noel Streatfield in a secondhand store(yes, had to buy it for her) and we shared memories of Noel's wonderful Shoes series--Ballet Shoes, Movie Shoes, Dancing Shoes, Party Shoes, etc. Inspiration for many girls to enter the world of the theater.
This year's Newberry winner, The Graveyard Book, is about a boy who is rased by graveyard ghosts and stalked by a mysterious killer. From the first line you won't be able to put it down!
What are you reding this summer? Let me know!